General Conditions
These terms ("Terms") set out the legal terms that apply to your use of our services that we provide (the "Services").
Please read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them before using the Services. Please note that by using the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you will not be able to use the Services and you should leave the Website immediately. If you continue to use the Website or by placing an order you express your consent to the conditions specified in these Terms (you express your acceptance in accordance with Article 370 of the Civil Code), and also confirm that, through your actions, you are capable of acquiring and exercising civil rights and of entering into and performing civil obligations (you are legally competent).
As used in Terms, the terms “Lessor”, “Company”, “we” and “us” mean CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC and other legal entities in which CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT, DIGITAL AREA is a founder.
The Company has the right to make changes in these Terms without prior notice, unilaterally at any time. In case of changes of the Terms, the Company will publish the updated version on the Website indicating the last modified date. It is the Client's/user's responsibility to visit the Website and check the changes in the Terms. New Terms will have legal force and will be applicable to the liabilities arising after publishing them on the Website.
Terms, including the documents it incorporates by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and The Company and govern your use of the Services and Website.
1. Main Rules and Regular Procedures
1. Starting from the moment of first contact (call or e-mail) CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC will be considered as Lessor, and the applying person for its services will be stated as a Client.
2. We consider as an orders or bookings accepted throughout website, via phone calls, e-mail as well at CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC Office.
3. The Lessor will make a decision on prepayment or provision of the vehicle without prepayment at the time of reservation. The Lessor also reserves the right to request additional information and documents from the Client in order to make the reservation.
4. The person who is under the influence of alcohol-narcotics, tranquillizers or harmful drugs affecting the will and consciousness of a person, cannot sign the rental agreement or any kind of related papers and drive the vehicle.
5. Rental terms and obligations also apply to additional services.
2. The Client’s Obligations and Rights
1. The Client is obliged to give precise data when making an order or booking and inform the Lessor about the further changes at least 24 hours prior to provision of services.
2. The Car is considered to be reserved by the Client, if the Lessor has given his/her written confirmation via e-mail or by phone. The Car is considered to be rented if the bilaterally signed rental agreement is in force.
3. After the rented Car has been received, the Client (or the person, who is already included as in the contract as an additional driver) will be considered as the only drivers of rented vehicle. Without the Lessor’s permission/authorization, the Renter has no right to allow another person to drive the Car.
3. The Renters / Drivers Obligations and Rights
1. The Renter should be at the age of 22 and he/she should have at least 2 year driving experience in order to sign the rental agreement.
2. The Renter has no right to hand over to sub-lease the rented Car.
If other Drivers than the Renter drive the rented Car, they should be at the age 22, have at least 2-year driving experience and should present valid driving licenses and passports. An additional sum of 60000 UZS per day is levied in order to give driving right to each additional driver.
The Renter or main driver is responsible for all police tickets and damages of other additional drivers of Renters contract.
3. When signing the rental agreement, the Renter should present a valid driving license, a valid passport as well as he/she should afford to provide a deposit (via holding on a credit card through a terminal or online holding on the website www.hertz-hold.uz, or pledging in cash). Presented driving licenses shall contain information about the driving license expiration date.
4. The Driver is obliged to follow traffic rules when driving the rented Car. The Driver is responsible for the fines foreseen for infringements and must complete compensate the losses. The Driver should park the Car in special parking places. When parking the Car, the Driver should close the doors and the boot of the Car, switch on the alarm warning system and not leave the keys and the documents in the Car. The keys and the documents should be with the Driver and under his/her permanent control. In case of Car theft, the Renter is obliged to return the keys of the Car and the originals of the documents.
5. If the Driver notices technical disrepairs, he/she should immediately inform the Lessor about. In case there is technical disrepair of the Car or defect/loss of its spare parts by the Driver’s fault, he/she is obliged to warn CARTREVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC, insurance company and the road police correspondingly otherwise he/she is full responsible for losses. If there are technical disrepairs or defects not by the Driver’s fault during the running of the Car and the further exploitation of the Car is dangerous, he/she has the right to demand to change the hired Car by another one of the same group (same type and class).
6. In case of an accident and/or theft of the Car (or its spare parts), the Driver is obliged to inform the Lessor and the internal affairs officers about it immediately, to assist in making protocols, certificates, other documents, to give appropriate explanations, to participate in all necessary procedural actions, and present them to the Lessor. In case of failure of this point the Client is fully responsible for the damages and losses.7. In case of damage done by the Renter or the Driver to the third party or to their estate, the latter has no right to make demands to the Lessor and the Lessor doesn’t bear any responsibility. The main responsibility of the Renter in case of scratches or damages is to stop the car and call to Lessor. The insurance company, due to the “Mandatory insurance of the motor-transportation means” agreement, “CASCO insurance” contract, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan can exercise its subrogation rights exclusively towards the Renter or the Driver.
8. In case of the Renter or the Driver’s actions (inaction), breaking of the clauses of the insurance agreement, the Lessor does not bear any responsibility.
4. The Lessors Obligations and Rights
1. The Lessor is obliged to get in touch with the Client within utmost 2 days after receiving the order, inform him/her about the possibilities to realize the order and answer the Client’s questions in trustworthy details.
2. The Lessor is obliged to provide the Client with the reserved Car in due time. If the reserved Car has technical disrepairs, the Lessor is obliged to provide the Client with another Car of the same group (same type and model) at not higher price than the price of the reserved Car.
3. If Client return the Car 1 - 2 hours more from the time it was rented on a subsequent day, the Client will be charged for an additional 120000 UZS.
If Client return the Car 2 - 3 hours more from the time it was rented on a subsequent day, the Renter will be charged for an additional 360000 UZS.
If Client return the Car 3 hours and more from the time it was rented on a subsequent day, the Renter will be charged for an additional full day of rental contract amount.
If Client does not return the Car after 3 hours and more from the time it was rented on a subsequent day, so the Lessor has the right to inform the law-enforcement authorities, to take whole measures in order to bring the car back to the Office, including stopping the Car.
4. The Lessor bears no responsibility for the lost or disappeared personal belongings in the rented Cars as well as for the passengers’ health problems of the rented Cars.
5. The Lessor is obliged to do such maintenance of the rented Car within the period of the rental agreement which is not the result of the Renter’s fault with the exception of the first necessity maintenance (changing of a spare wheel, charging of the cleaning liquid, etc.).
6. The Lessor is obliged to eliminate the defects of the rented Car within a reasonable period without causing anxiety to the Renter or provide with another Car of the same group (same type).
7. In case of violating any clause of the rental agreement the Lessor has the right to take back the provided Car, cancel the contract unilaterally and not to refund any amount to the Renter and demand a complete compensation of the losses. In this case the Lessor bears no responsibility for the loss or damage of the things in the Car.
8. CARTRAVEL LLC employees are responsible for any information disclosed in the course of their work, if the obligation to disclose this information is not provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan or is not aimed at disclosing an offense or a crime.
5. Pick Up / Delivery and Drop off Rules
1. It is permitted to run the rented Cars only on the territories of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Cars, liable to hiring, do not have outer advertisement signs. The run of the Cars isn’t limited. If the car crosses the border of Republic of Uzbekistan without the permission of the Lessor, this circumstance is considered as theft. In this case, the Renter must pay the fine in the amount of 500 reference calculation values.
2. The drawing up of the documents of the rented Cars, their handing over and reception are realized both at CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC office and the Client’s preferred place by additional payment: Delivery or drop off at the Airport - 300 000 UZS. In any case the Client is obliged to come to an agreement with the Lessor in advance with regard to the place of the pickup and return of Car.
3. The working days and hours of the CARTRAVEL LLC, SOFT LIFE LLC, TOUR AND TRANSPORT LLC, DIGITAL AREA LLC office are as follows:
Monday - Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00, Sunday and holidays: non-working.
4. The pickup and return of the Car at the office are realized without an extra payment.
In case the pickup or return of the Car is realized at the airport the Renter should pay 300 000 UZS additionally.
In case of realizing the pickup or return of the Car at the mentioned address in Tashkent the Renter should pay 180 000 UZS additionally. In case of realizing the pickup or return of the Car out of Tashkent the Renter, depending on the distance, should pay 24 000 UZS additionally for per 1 Km.
The Renter is obliged to pay a supplementary fee for the damaged salon (inside the car). The amount will be charged depending on car and the car group.
5. The hiring Cars are provided to the Renter in a proper state, technically faultless, clean and with a full tank of fuel. In the rented Cars a spare wheel, necessary tools are provided free of charge.
6. The Renter is obliged to follow the rules of the Car exploitation and to charge the Car with high-quality fuel. The Renter is obliged to return the Car in a proper state on the deadline as well as all the documents, additional equipment and accessories.
7. The Cars should be returned to the Lessor undamaged, technically faultless, clean and with a full tank of fuel. If the technical disrepair of the Car or the defect/loss of its constituent parts is the results of the Renter’s fault, he/she should compensate completely the losses.
In case the Car has been returned to the Lessor not in a clean state (outside and inside the car) should be levied an additional charge of 180 000 UZS. In case the Car has been returned to the Lessor not with a full tank of fuel a refueling service charge of 24 000 UZS should be levied for each missing liter of fuel. This amount is used to compensate for the cost of refueling the vehicle, including the costs associated with this process, and should in no way be interpreted as a fuel selling.
8. During the pickup-return of the Car the Renter should examine the Car together with the Lessor’s authorized agent and should draw up a corresponding pickup-return protocol concerning its condition which is the inseparable part of the agreement. Any defect of the Car is recorded in the pickup-return protocol. The Renter, before hiring the Car, should inform the Lessor about the disrepairs or other defects of the Car and make a corresponding note in the pickup-return protocol. The Renter, except for the recorded defects in the pickup/return protocol, has no right to indicate further defects.
9. Each party keeps the pickup/return protocol bilaterally concluded which is the cornerstone when examining and evaluating the defects and losses of the Car. Moreover, the Renter accepts that the Lessor has the right to find out who is responsible for the defects and losses. If the Renter refuses to sign the pickup/return protocol when returning the Car, the Lessor has the right to draw it up in the presence of 2 /two/ persons and use it, if necessary.
10. It is forbidden to transport explosives, fire-proof, smuggled or other dangerous and interdicted goods by law when running the Cars.
It is forbidden to drive the Cars at contests and exploit as a tractor or an educational Car, with the aim of taxi service and goods transportation. It is forbidden to carry more people or more cargo than allowed in its registration certificate or technical specifications, to use the car on rallies, test drives or racing events, for driving lesson and to carrying animals. Transportation of animals is permitted only on prior agreement with the Lessor in specially designed cages. It is forbidden to drive on terrain or roads that are not suitable for the Vehicle, towing or pushing of other vehicles (including trailers) without prior consent from the Lessor.
It is forbidden to repair technically the Cars on one’s own (with the exception of the first necessity maintenance such as changing of a spare wheel, charging of the cleaning liquid of the windscreen, etc.) and to install constituent parts.
6. Dates and Price Calculation
1. The minimal rental duration of hiring the Cars is for 1 (one) day. The maximum rental duration isn’t specified. The initial rental period is considered the moment when the Car is provided and the deadline is the returning date and time.
2. If the rental period overcomes for more than three hours an extra day charge will apply.
3. The rental prices of the Cars do not include the driver’s charges as well as those of fuel, public parking fees, Car wash and fines foreseen for infringements. In case of traffic violations, the cost of fee will be charged from the Renter.
4. In order to give an authorization to other Drivers than the Renter to drive the Car 60 000 UZS is to be levied daily, however no more than 600 000 UZS for the whole rental period (all additional services are charging for only 10 (ten) days per person during 1 (one) month).
5. In case the rented Car is returned earlier than the deadline is, a recalculation can be done based on the actual rental days and the corresponding price-list. Moreover, regardless of the returning hour, that day, as well as the following day is considered as full rental days. In the result of the recalculation the additional sum is returned to the Renter fully if the latter has informed the Lessor about it at least 24 hours before the deadline fixed in the contract. On contrary, no sum is refundable.
In case of prolonging the rental period, it is necessary to inform the Lessor in advance and after getting the Lessor’s consent, he/she should sign a contract concerning the extension of the rental duration.
6. If the Renter doesn’t return the rented Car after 3 /three/ hours of the foreseen deadline due to the agreement, the Lessor can consider it as a Car theft and take necessary measure in order to find out the rented Car from any place without warning or consent of the Renter or can apply to the law-enforcement authorities in order to take back the Car and proceedings against the Renter. In such cases it is the Renter that bears responsibility for the left things in the Car.
7. Long-term rentals: dates and price calculation
1. If you looking to rent a car for longer than a month, Hertz Uzbekistan offers special rates and terms on long-term Rent in Tashkent. The comfort of having a car for a few months without bothering about maintenance, insurance, and needless paperwork. Use our long-term car hire for as long as you need – all we ask is that your rental is no shorter than 30 days.
2. Long-term rentals require 100% prepayment. If the renter wishes to return the vehicle before the agreed-upon term, the majority of the rental fee is non-refundable; only the deposit will be returned.
8. Rental Price, Terms of Prepayment and Deposit
1. The total rental price is the sum of the rental cost of the Car and the cost of the additional ordered services. The rental price is paid totally when signing the agreement. If a deposit has been paid in advance, only the final payment is made when concluding the contract.
2. Renter is obliged to make all the payments for the additional expenses and fines which have been calculated by the Lessor at the time of returning the Car according to the presented by him price-list. Therefore, Renter should provide with a Deposit when signing the contract by means of which the listed above expenses should be covered in case of necessity (those which are not compensated by insurance or are not considered as an insurance case).
3. It is possible to provide Deposit either via bank card or paying in cash. In case of credit card provision the deposit, sum will be held if Renter does not acquire "comprehensive insurance" (see Clause 9 of Chapter 8), otherwise, if he acquires "comprehensive insurance", his consent will be sufficient for charging the corresponding amount from his card. The Lessor has the right to withhold (hold) funds on the card for the period from 10 to 30 days. The Lessor has the right to withdraw the amount withheld if he is informed of fines or if damage is discovered within the given period.
The Renter hereby agrees that upon receipt of information about fines or discovery of damage beyond the 30-day period, the Lessor shall have the right, upon presentation of supporting documents, to write-off the amount from the Renter's bank card or account without acceptance by banking institutions or other organizations.
4. If the rented Car is returned to the Lessor in a proper state and in due time, the Deposit is fully refunded to the Renter. If revealed additional expenses do not exceed the Deposit, they are compensated on account of the Deposit, and its remaining part is refunded to the Renter. If the additional expenses exceed the Deposit, no amount is refunded to the Renter, moreover, the sum of the additional expenses, which hasn’t been compensated by the Deposit, is levied from him extra.
Deposit makes up 6 000 000 (six million) UZS for all the Cars.
5. Payments can be made in cash in UZS, via bank cards or via bank transfer.
9. Voluntary Comprehensive Insurance
1. The Renter has the option to purchase Voluntary Comprehensive Insurance for the rented car from Hertz Uzbekistan.
2. Voluntary Comprehensive Insurance covers:
3. Exclusions from Voluntary Comprehensive Insurance coverage:
4. The cost of Voluntary Comprehensive Insurance is 20 USD, calculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the day of payment.
10. Insurance, Damage or Loss
1. All the Cars subject to hiring are insured according to compulsory MTPL (Motor Third Party Liability) and CASCO conditions and the Renter bears a full responsibility towards the insurance company. By signing the rental agreement, the Renter confirms that he/she has got acquainted and has also accepted the provisions of the insurance agreement.
2. In case the insurance company does not compensate the loss of the rented Car or the third party (their estate, health, passengers), when the refusal to provide insurance compensation is due to the Renter’s actions (inaction), including the violations of the insurance rules or in such cases when the loss isn’t linked to insurance, the Renter is obliged to compensate the loss to the Car, third party (their estate, health).
3. Compulsory MTPL insures those losses which have been caused due to the transportation means to the injured party, its estate. The losses of the third party are compensated by the following way.
Personal losses (injuries to health and lost wages/incomes as well as the injured party’s death - 26 000 000 (twenty six million) UZS should be paid for an insurance accident.
Losses to the injured party’s estate - 14 000 000 (fourteen million) UZS utmost should be paid.
4. In case the insurance company does not compensate totally the third party’s losses or it does not compensate at all, it is the Renter that assumes the responsibility for compensating the losses exclusively. The Lessor doesn’t bear responsibility for the losses caused to the third party by the Renter during whole the rental period of the Car.
5. The Renter, following the clauses of the rental agreement (including insurance contract) restricts his/her financial obligations essentially if he/she has informed about them to the Lessor on time (in case of necessity to the law-enforcement authorities).
6. In case of any accident, loss or damage the Renter should present a record defined by law as well as sufficient data about other parties of the accident or witnesses. The Renter, under no circumstances, should accept any third party’s demands.
7. If the Renter has followed the traffic rules, the clauses of the rental agreement (including those of insurance contract) his/her responsibility towards the rented Car and its passengers, in case of insurance accident, is restricted to deposit, moreover
● If it is the Renter that is guilty of the insurance accident (or the guilty party is absent), the Renter compensates at an amount of utmost deposit.
● If the Renter isn’t guilty of the insurance accident and there is a guilty party, the deposit is refunded totally to him/her.
● In case of loss of the constituent parts of the Car, damage or car theft, fire the Renter compensates at an amount of utmost deposit.
8. If the Renter hasn’t followed the traffic rules or any clause of the rental agreement (including that of insurance contract), he/she bears the responsibility of the accident (damage, loss, fire, etc.) totally and is obliged to compensate the estate and personal damages, losses of both the rented Car, its passengers and of the Lessor and the third party.
11. Additional services
1. You can also use the following additional services when hiring the Car, (all additional services are charging for only 10 (ten) days during 1 (one) month, except Driver’s service):
2. If the car was transferred to a person without a driver's license, the Renter is fined by the Lesser in the amount of 12 000 000 (twelve million) UZS. The Renter bears the full responsibility, including the obligation to pay/compensate for the administrative penalty.
3. The Renter has no right to provide the vehicle to third parties, except the Lessor representatives /employees, so in that case the Renter is fined by the Lessor in the amount of 1 200 000 (one million two hundred) UZS.
12. Force Majeure
1. The parties are relieved of the responsibility if the obligations haven’t been fulfilled due to force majeure circumstances (earthquake, flood, war, etc.).
13. Final provisions
1. If any provision, or portion of the provision, in Terms is, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other provision (or the unaffected portion of the provision) of the Terms, and the Terms will be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision, or portion of the provision, had never been contained within the Terms.